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How to have a successful Job Interview

A job interview is your golden opportunity to showcase your skills, experience, and personality to potential employers. It's not just about answering questions but also about making a lasting impression. To help you navigate the challenging terrain of job interviews, here's a comprehensive guide on how to have a successful job interview.

Job Interview Tips

Job Interview Do's:

  1. Research the Company: Before heading into an interview, thoroughly research the company. Understand its mission, values, products or services, and recent achievements. This knowledge not only demonstrates your genuine interest but also equips you to tailor your responses to align with the company's goals.
  2. Know the Job Description: Study the job description and requirements thoroughly. Be prepared to discuss how your skills and experience match the specific needs of the position. Anticipate potential questions about your qualifications and have examples ready to illustrate your capabilities.
  3. Practice Common Interview Questions: While you can't predict every question, there are common ones that often come up. Practice your responses to questions like "Tell me about yourself," "Why do you want this job?" and "What are your strengths and weaknesses?" This will help you articulate your thoughts confidently during the actual interview.
  4. Develop a Strong Elevator Pitch: Craft a concise and compelling elevator pitch that summarizes who you are, your professional background, and what makes you an ideal candidate. This can set a positive tone for the interview and help you stand out from other candidates.
  5. Dress Appropriately: First impressions matter. Choose professional attire that aligns with the company's dress code. Make sure your clothing is clean, well-fitted, and reflects the level of formality expected in the workplace.
  6. Practice Good Non-Verbal Communication: Your body language speaks volumes. Maintain good eye contact, offer a firm handshake, sit up straight, and avoid fidgeting. Non-verbal body language can convey confidence and professionalism.
  7. Showcase Your Achievements: Be ready to discuss specific achievements and projects that highlight your skills and accomplishments. Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your responses, providing concrete examples of your contributions in previous roles.
  8. Ask Thoughtful Questions: Prepare a list of questions to ask the interviewer about the company culture, team dynamics, and expectations for the role. This demonstrates your interest in the position and helps you assess if the company is the right fit for you.
  9. Follow Up: Send a thank-you email within 24 hours of the interview expressing your appreciation for the opportunity and reiterating your enthusiasm for the position. This small gesture can leave a positive and lasting impression.
  10. Learn and Adapt: Regardless of the outcome, view every interview as a learning experience. If you receive feedback, use it to improve and refine your approach for future opportunities.

Job Interview Dont's:

  1. A good breath is always nice, but please avoid chewing gum. Peppermint would be the better option.
  2. Nerves can do strange things to people, avoid tapping with your fingers or feet and try not to behave too careless.
  3. Leave your problems with your previous employers at home. If you slash your previous employers, your future employer might think you will do the same with him.
  4. Be friendly to everyone you meet when you enter the employer's building. If you behave impolite to the receptionist for instance, your employer will for sure hear about it.
  5. If someone collects you for the job interview, try not to be silent. Try and comment on the building or for instance the artwork on the walls, this will break the ice and will prove your positive approach.
  6. Don't discuss your salary and secondary conditions during your first job interview unless the employer asks for it. Usually this will be discussed during the second job interview.

Frequently asked questions by employers

To prepare yourself for the job interview, here are some frequently asked questions by employers and why they ask them.

  1. In what kind of family were you raised and what was your role in the family?
    This will help the employer to find out what your behavior is in groups. It also gives them insight on how you deal with setbacks and if the candidate has self-reflection and introspection. People who blame external factors for everything that goes wrong are not able to grow personally and even worse, they don't take any responsibility.
  2. What makes you tick?
    The answer to this question will tell the employer what the exciting factor is in their job. It is also often a question that makes the applicant smile and shine, it will show the applicants passion they feel in their job.
  3. In which previous job were you most successful and what was your part in it?
    This will help the employer to find out about the commercial opportunities someone has had and if they used that opportunity.
  4. If it was up to you, what would you like to achieve in your career?
    The answer to this question will tell the employer if the applicant has a real passion for their profession and gains pleasure from that job. It also shows how important the job is regarded, if the applicant is ambitious and whether or not the job is a good fit.
  5. What would you have liked to do differently in your career?
    The answer will show the applicant's analytical power and will show their self-knowledge and self-reflection.
  6. If you would have your manager's job tomorrow, what would be the first three things that you would change?
    This will show creativity, imagination and involvement in the job. Applicants will often tell about the things they have already raised and triggered.
  7. A question that is often asked by the employer is: Tell me something about yourself?
    How to best answer that question? Start with your name, age and name a few characteristics. Try and tell in a few sentences what keeps you busy and what your true passion is in life. You can tell the employer about your travels, which sports you like to do and about work. After this informal beginning of the job interview you can make a logical step to the job you are applying for. Tell the employer why you are so enthusiastic about this job and why you applied for it.

A successful job interview requires a combination of preparation, confidence, and authenticity. By investing time in research, practicing your responses, and showcasing your unique qualities, you can significantly increase your chances of leaving a lasting impression on potential employers. Good luck!


Job Interview Tips

Job Interview Tips